Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer camp!

Hooray for the first day of camp!

Now, I know what you're thinking: didn't you just do Camp NaNo in April? Why yes, yes I did.  While I didn't meet my word count goal that month, I did get a massive amount of work done, which is why I've signed up for another session of camp.  And besides, what summer would be complete without a stint at camp? (Incidentally, I never went as a child, so I guess I'm making up for that now.  Also, I'm trying to see how many times I can use the word camp in one blog post.)

My goal for this month is 40,000 words on book 3, and hopefully a working title as well.  It's an ambitious, but not impossible, task, and I think it will be a lot of fun.

Is anyone else out there doing the July Camp NaNo session?  Let me know so we can cheer each other on!


  1. Yikes! Go, Lara, Go!
    But I'll be cheering from the sidelines. ; )

  2. I never went to summer camp as a child either.

    And I'm sadly not Camp NaNo-ing this month.

    But best of luck with your goal!!

    1. Thanks! Will you be joining us in November?

  3. Two camping sessions in one summer? You are a crazy woman! And your productivity shames me greatly.

    Go kick ass, Lara! We'll be cheering you on!

    1. Thanks Beverly! We'll see how much I get done

  4. I'm doing Camp NaNo! I really must get over there and create my novel ... Oh yeah, and then get down to some writing, he he x

  5. Good luck! Hope those words materialize.

  6. I wish. I've got kids who *aren't* at camp, so no writing time for me. :(

    1. Bummer! Hang in there--they go back to school in August :)

  7. Good luck, Lara. Nope not doing a July No-No. I may not be writing much in July either. :o(

    1. Sorry to hear that, Jo. Hope everything is okay!

  8. Dang! Camp NaNo! Hm... Too late to sign up? Hm...

    Well, good luck, regardless!

    1. Thanks, Diana! You can always have your own Camp NaNo, even if you didn't sign up. And don't forget about November!

  9. Love that mug. I thought about doing CampNaNo but... You know what's weird about me? I find it a lot easier to do these things when lots of people are doing them and there's a vibe in the air. Maybe we should start a Forum thread...
    Although I'm supposed to be editing this month anyway, not getting high on a new draft :-)

    1. I know what you mean--it helps when there is a large group participating, cheering each other on.


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