Friday, June 16, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Dear Cat edition
Dear Toby Cat,
When I get up early, it's because I'd like to write without interruption. I want to spend a little time getting my words in for the day before Little Roo wakes up and I have to turn into 'Mom'. It's not that I don't love being Mom, but it can be hard to give Doodlebug the attention she deserves and write at the same time. This is my solution. Plus, if I'm able to make my word count in this morning writing session, I can actually spend some time with Mister tonight, snuggling on the couch and watching a movie, instead of frantically pounding away on the keyboard in the hopes of hitting my goal before falling exhausted into bed. You understand.
So I would appreciate it if you didn't zoom up and down the hallway outside Little Roo's bedroom, yowling at the top of your kitty lungs for who knows what reason. I need her to sleep right now, and you doing your level best to wake her up is in direct opposition to my goals for the morning. Keep it up, and I'm going to rethink this whole 'two cat household' thing.
(Oh, who am I kidding? You know your position is secure. It's a good thing you're so cute. Still, keep it down, okay?)
(Today, I'm celebrating the fact that Little Roo did indeed sleep through the feline shenanigans, and I was able to make my word count for the day early this morning. Yay for progress!)
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, June 2, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Conference edition
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a nice week.
Lots of activity here this week. Little Roo started school on Tuesday. She's going 3 mornings a week, and it has been hard for me to let her go. She's never been away from me or her dad or grandma before, and it's tough to leave her with strangers. I know this is what is best for her, and I know it won't take long before we all adjust, but right now I'm probably having more trouble than she is with the change. I thought I would relish having some uninterrupted time to write, and part of me does, but a bigger part of me can't stop worrying about her while she's at school. I guess that's just life as a mom though--there's always something to worry about.
On a lighter note, we're in Scottsdale right now for the Desert Dreams conference. I'm participating in the Reader Experience on Saturday, and I'm really excited to meet readers and hang out with fellow book lovers. If you're in the area, I hope you'll stop by the book signing on Saturday night. It starts at 4:30 pm, and you can find more details about the conference, the reader experience, and the signing here.
That's it for me this week. What's new with you? Any big weekend plans? Let me know!
Friday, May 12, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Return to normal edition
Happy Friday everyone! I know it's been a while since I've posted, and I'm sorry to have fallen off the wagon of this hop. Please take me back! :)
I have a confession to make. I turned in my last book on February 15, and I haven't really written anything since then. Oh, I wrote a proposal for a new series, but that's about it. I normally take a week off after turning in a book, but this time life got in the way. I got really sick (wound up in the ER for dehydration after passing out in the bathroom. Fun times.), found out I'm pregnant, and then the first trimester blahs set in. I know some women are glowing goddesses during their entire pregnancy. I am not one of those women. The first trimester is HARD for me. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but there were some days when my biggest achievement was taking a shower.
So my writing got pushed to the back burner. And every day that passed, it grew easier and easier to let it stay there.
I missed writing, but I'm glad I took a break. I got to really focus on my family (inasmuch as I was able to: see above, First Trimester Blahs), and it was nice to take some time to just breathe. I think I was on the verge of burnout, to be honest. I turned in four books last year, which is a crazy pace for me. I'm grateful for the work, but in the future I think I need to do a better job of self-care so I don't hit the wall again. When I figure out how to do that, I'll tell you my secret, deal? ;)
I'm happy to report that I started writing again this week. It's a bit slow going, but I'm working to make daily writing a habit again. It's my job after all, and not everyone gets the luxury of an almost 3 month vacation! To be fair though, no writing = no money, so it wasn't all beer and skittles (which is not an appealing combination!).
So all of this is to say I'm back, and I've missed you all! Thanks for sticking with me, and if you have any tips or tricks on the self-care front, I'd love to hear them! Have a great weekend!
P.S. I'm blogging over at Get Lost in a Story today, and giving away a copy of my latest release, Pregnant by the Colton Cowboy. Stop by and say hi?
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, April 21, 2017
Giveaway alert!
Just popping in to say that I have a giveaway running on Goodreads right now for my May release, Pregnant by the Colton Cowboy! Head on over and enter for your chance to win!
Here's the back cover blurb:
A cowboy puts his life on the line for the woman expecting his child in The Coltons of Shadow Creek!
Determined to steer clear of the horrors his villainous mother brought on his family, rancher Thorne Colton keeps to himself. That means resisting Maggie Lowell. The last time he succumbed, passion took control. But when an explosion nearly claims her life, Thorne discovers their night together yielded more than sizzling memories.
Pregnant and under Thorne's protection in Shadow Creek, Maggie isn't sure where the bigger threat lies. Out in the open, she's a killer's target. On his ranch, she's in close quarters with the man who's driven to keep her and their child safe but broke her heart once and might do it again…
Have a good weekend!
Enter Giveaway
Here's the back cover blurb:
A cowboy puts his life on the line for the woman expecting his child in The Coltons of Shadow Creek!
Determined to steer clear of the horrors his villainous mother brought on his family, rancher Thorne Colton keeps to himself. That means resisting Maggie Lowell. The last time he succumbed, passion took control. But when an explosion nearly claims her life, Thorne discovers their night together yielded more than sizzling memories.
Pregnant and under Thorne's protection in Shadow Creek, Maggie isn't sure where the bigger threat lies. Out in the open, she's a killer's target. On his ranch, she's in close quarters with the man who's driven to keep her and their child safe but broke her heart once and might do it again…
Have a good weekend!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Pregnant by the Colton Cowboy
by Lara Lacombe
Giveaway ends April 20, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things -- Catching up edition
Happy Friday! It's been a pretty standard week here, but I'm glad we've made it to Friday. We don't really have any big weekend plans--we're having a game lunch with friends on Sunday, which is always fun. I recently bought the game Organ Attack and have been looking forward to trying it out.
In other news, I finally got the official cover for my July release (Her Lieutenant Protector) and just bought new bookmarks and excerpt brochures that I'm going to take to the Desert Dreams conference in June. I'm really looking forward to this conference, and I hope the swag looks nice! I'll post pictures when I get it.
What are you up to this weekend? Any fun plans?
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, March 10, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Birthday edition!
Hello, everyone! It's my birthday--woo hoo! Unfortunately, I have to work today (ugh, adulting!) but I'm looking forward to dinner tonight and frozen custard for dessert. My Mom wanted to make me a birthday cake, but I'm trying to cut back on my sugar and I know if I have a cake in my fridge I will eat it all. I'd hate to waste food, you know. ;)
We have a busy weekend planned. I'm getting my nails done with Mom on Saturday afternoon, and Saturday night Mister and I are going over to a friend's house for game night, which is always a fun time. Then it's the symphony on Sunday for our dose of culture. I'm looking forward to it all!
Before I go, I'm hosting a giveaway over at Get Lost in a Story--two signed books and a gift card to Starbucks. Head on over and enter for your chance to win! It runs through Sunday.
What are you doing this weekend? Any fun plans?
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, March 3, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Return to normal edition
Hello, everyone! When I last posted two weeks ago, Mister and I had planned to go see a movie to celebrate his birthday. Things did not go quite as planned. We had just sat down at the restaurant when my Mom called with the news that Little Roo was throwing up. Needless to say, we canceled our plans and rushed home. Fortunately, she made a fast recovery. I wish I could say the same. I managed to come down with a stomach bug, and I got so dehydrated I wound up in the ER. I'm on the mend now, but I have a collection of bruises to show for my needle sticks. The experience was a bit scary, but I'm grateful the issue wasn't more serious.
Now that we're all healthy, Mister and I are going to try this movie thing again. Here's hoping we can make it work this time!
What are your plans for the weekend?
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, February 17, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - This and That edition
Welcome, Friday! Good to see you again! :)
This week, I'm celebrating Mister's birthday. He turned *mumblemumble* on the 16th. He had to work that day (part of the curse of being an adult), but I made his favorite dinner and we are going out to lunch and to see a movie on Sunday, so that will be fun.
Mom and I are going to get our nails done on Saturday afternoon. I always enjoy getting to spend time with her, and it's nice to have pretty hands as well. I'm still debating on what color polish to get--right now, I've got a glittery pink which is fun, but I'm thinking about a light blue to change things up a bit. What's your go-to nail color?
What are you up to this weekend? Any fun plans? Please share!
Also, you can still enter the Secret Valentine's giveaway I'm running over on Goodreads!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Dr. Do-or-Die
by Lara Lacombe
Giveaway ends February 28, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Catching Up edition
Happy Friday! I had a pretty standard week--what about you? We have a healthy to-do list to tackle this weekend, but it will be nice to check things off as we go. There's something so satisfying about crossing items off a list, don't you think?
I wanted to let you know that in honor of Goodreads Romance Week, I'm participating in the Harlequin Secret Valentine campaign! Enter to win a copy of my book, Dr. Do or Die, plus one of my favorite romances! Here's the link if you're interested!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Dr. Do-or-Die
by Lara Lacombe
Giveaway ends February 28, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Friday, January 27, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Arts and Crafts edition
Happy Friday! How was your week? Hopefully you have lots of little things to celebrate.
This week, I'm excited about spending time with some friends on Saturday afternoon. Mister and I are going on a double date with some good friends to one of those painting with wine places, and it should be a lot of fun.
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Just so you know, I'm running a giveaway over on Happily Ever After Thoughts through Sunday. Head over and enter for your chance to win one of three copies of my latest book, Dr. Do or Die.
Hope you have a great weekend! Any exciting plans?
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Dr. Do or Die is out now!
Friday, January 13, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - Social Butterfly edition
Happy Friday everyone! Hope you've all had a good week!
I have lots of plans this weekend, which is a bit outside the norm. Usually we have lazy days, but that won't be the case this week.

On Sunday and Monday, I'll be blogging at Just Romantic Suspense and on Monday I'll also be over at Get Lost in a Story. I'm giving away copies of Dr. Do or Die at both sites, so please stop by for your chance to win!
What are your weekend plans? I hope you have fun, whatever you wind up doing!
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Dr. Do or Die is out now!
Friday, January 6, 2017
Celebrate the Small Things - New Year edition
Happy New Year! How has the first week of 2017 treated you? Well, I hope.
Do any of you make resolutions? I made a couple of goals for the new year, and I'd love to hear about yours!
One of my goals is to cook more meals at home. I generally cook 3-4 dinners a week, but some weeks are busier than others and we wind up doing take-out or ordering pizza more often than I'd like. It gets expensive, and it's not the healthiest for us. So this year, I'm going to try to cook 6-7 dinners per week, and to eat more lunches at home as well. I know we're only 6 days in, but so far, I've cooked all week. I drew up a meal plan on Saturday, which made my grocery shopping a lot easier. It's also nice to know what I'm going to make each day, as it takes a little pressure off when it's time to start preparing dinner. I was already a big fan of using my crock pot, and I know it's really going to get a workout this year!
It's very cold here (for Texas, that is), and it's supposed to stay that way all weekend. Mister and I have started watching the new Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, so I imagine we'll spend some time on the couch binge watching the second and third seasons (yay for library DVD check-out!). I know we're late to the party on that show, but we're really enjoying it and it's nice to have a pile of episodes to watch so we don't have to wait for new ones to come out.
What are your weekend plans? Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods? Thanks to everyone for your patience with my blogging hiatus--posting more frequently is another of my goals, so I hope you'll keep me accountable!
Have a great weekend!
If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do. I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?
Dr. Do or Die is out now!
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and productive 2017!
Mister and I are headed to the movies today, for the first time in what feels like forever. We're off to see Assassin's Creed, because he likes video games and I like Michael Fassbender :) Hopefully it will be entertaining, but if not, I love me some movie theater popcorn, so I'll be happy either way.
How are you celebrating the new year? If you're looking for something to read, my latest book, Dr. Do or Die releases in digital format today! I hope you'll check it out!
Mister and I are headed to the movies today, for the first time in what feels like forever. We're off to see Assassin's Creed, because he likes video games and I like Michael Fassbender :) Hopefully it will be entertaining, but if not, I love me some movie theater popcorn, so I'll be happy either way.
How are you celebrating the new year? If you're looking for something to read, my latest book, Dr. Do or Die releases in digital format today! I hope you'll check it out!
Two doctors are on thin ice as they race to save the world from a deadly disease.
Epidemic researcher Dr. Avery Thatcher has studied countless illnesses…but nothing prepares her for what she finds at a remote Antarctic base: the man she never wanted to see again and a mysterious ailment ravaging inhabitants. Avery will do whatever it takes to discover the illness's cause, and she vows to keep her heartbreaking history with Dr. Grant Jones in the past—even if reignited passion brings them dangerously close.
For Grant, ending this outbreak and regaining Avery's trust are vital. As their hunt to contain a lethal pathogen escalates, he'll put everything on the line to avert disaster. But will another insidious threat stop them both cold?
Order your copy now!
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