Friday, January 23, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Art edition

Well, I made it through the first week of classes!  Yay!  I'm tired and I'm seriously worried about losing my voice, but it's been a good week.  I really love this part of the semester--a new crop of bright, shiny faces, eager to dive in to the course material.  Even better, we're still in the honeymoon phase--the students don't hate me yet, because their first exam is still a few weeks away. :)

This weekend, I'm celebrating Date Night! Mister and I are going to one of those 'Anyone Can Paint' places, and we'll see if their premise holds up.  I have no illusions as to my artistic abilities (I know which end of the paintbrush to use, but that's about it), so I'm eager to see how things turn out.  I think Mister will create a decent picture--he's more artistic than he likes to acknowledge.  Either way, I'm sure the experience will be a fun one!

How was your week?  Any big plans for the weekend?

If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do.  I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?


  1. I want to go to one of those paint places!!! Have Fun!!!

  2. You have a great wit! The students should appreciate that!
    I love to paint - just relax and paint your students, abstractly, of course(smile).

  3. I did well in art at school, but my competition was thin on the ground so I took good grades with a pinch of salt. :) Still, I enjoyed painting. Hope you do. And I admire all teachers. I tried teaching A'Level Psychology students years ago - I was awful! X

  4. Hope you two enjoy the painting. I still miss my Kinder kids after all these years. Have a good weekend.

  5. Yay for the ease of new students and first classes - I hope that keeps up. Have a great Date Night. Painting is such a cool idea! :)

  6. Heh oh that'll be fun! I hope you'll share yall's final pieces! I'm gonna create a little art in the kitchen this weekend and work on some desserts to take into the USO on Sunday. I love trying out new recipes :D

  7. I did a morning of "anyone can paint" at church once. It was fun and, believe me, everyone there *could* paint! Be sure to share the result, Lara!

  8. I'm happy to say we had a lot of fun! I posted the results on my Facebook page:


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