Friday, June 28, 2013

Photo Friday - Candle edition

I like to have a candle burning while I'm working.  I generally go through them pretty quickly, since I let them go for hours at a time.  That's okay though, because part of the fun is picking out new scents to try.

I started a fresh candle today. This one smells like roasting marshmallows--perfect for summer!

Do you enjoy candles?  What's your favorite scent?


  1. Vanilla, I love the smell of vanilla! Then cinnamon.

    Sorry I haven't been by, trying to make up for it this weekend!

    Happy Friday!

    1. Vanilla and cinnamon are great holiday candles--they always make me think of cookies and pies :)

  2. I love burning candles. When I had a Yankee Candle available to me I used to spend lots of time smelling an picking candles. In the end Vanilla and Caramel are my favorites.

  3. I used to like candles. They were very nice to have when I lived in an apartment and was never far away. Now in a house where I'll be upstairs, downstairs, over here, over there, and the fact that I have two small kids means the only time I burn candles is during a power out.

    1. I'm sure once the kiddos are all off to school you'll be able to burn candles again :)

  4. Hmmm. You can have the candles and the scents. My asthma doesn't like candle smoke or perfume.

  5. Candles are great aroma therapy. I love the cranberry scent, even in July!

    1. Cranberry is a very comforting smell--another one I enjoy! :)

  6. I love candles too! I burn then whenever I have a daunting task ahead of me. I think my favourite scents are fruity ones, especially apple!

    Brandy's Bustlings

  7. I don't burn candles, but I must admit to lingering in the scented candle aisle at the store. Those things smell so good!

    1. I have a bit of a weakness for candles, but I tell myself that since I burn them it's okay to buy them. I can rationalize just about anything ;)


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