Friday, May 29, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - Almost there...

Congrats on making it through another week!  Hopefully everyone is doing well.

Today, I'm celebrating the fact that Baby Munchkin made it to 37 weeks, which is considered full term!  That means the chances she will need medical assistance after birth are greatly reduced.  I'm glad we made it this far, even though I have a new understanding of 'uncomfortable.'  Now it's just a waiting game. For various and sundry reasons, my doctor wants to induce my labor a bit early, so we will see if baby girl stays put until then or decides to make an early arrival.  Either way, I'm just trying to rest while I still can.

In other news, we've been having some remodeling done on our home (and don't even get me started on that!).  I'm happy to report the project is finishing up, which means this weekend Mister is going to move all his office and computer stuff into his brand-new man cave!  That will free up some space for us, and hopefully we can get organized BB (before baby). Cross your fingers for us!

Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?  Do share!

If you've been reading my blog, you know that Fridays are reserved for a post where I celebrate the little things that have happened during the week. This is a blog hop created by Vikki and now hosted by Lexa Cain, and it's one of my favorite blogging things to do.  I encourage you to check out her blog and the full list of participants, because who doesn't love reading about good things?


  1. Congrats! I wish you a safe and quick delivery! Rest up because Baby Munchkin will require all your attention and love when she arrives. May I suggest some TV and movie binging?

    And... construction during your last trimester?!?! You're my hero....

    Tanya Miranda - Writer, Dreamer, Intergalactic Superhero

    1. Thanks for the good wishes! I'm trying to read a lot now, and I have several TV shows lined up on Netflix for when she's here. Got to have something to do during those late night feedings! :)

  2. Congrats! I wish you a safe and quick delivery! Rest up because Baby Munchkin will require all your attention and love when she arrives. May I suggest some TV and movie binging?

    And... construction during your last trimester?!?! You're my hero....

    Tanya Miranda - Writer, Dreamer, Intergalactic Superhero

  3. Enjoy the last weeks. . .even if they're uncomfortable, it's a wonderful time.

    1. I'm sure I'll look back fondly on these weeks. You always have a better appreciation of things once they're gone!

  4. Do get all the rest you can BB. Sure everything will go well. Keep us posted!

  5. I've delivered 5 babies and I know how uncomfortable you are right now, and it's hard to sleep. My prayers are with you for a miraculous and smooth delivery.

  6. What an exciting time for you! I hope your baby decides on an early entrance and everything is as effortless as possible. Yay for your husband's new man cave. My hubby has one, but it's always such a mess, he spends all his time out here in the living room with me. *sigh*

    1. I suspect we will have a similar situation develop. At least I won't have to look at the mess anymore, though! :)


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