It's the first Wednesday of the month, which means it's time for
IWSG! This hop is the brainchild of
Alex J. Cavanaugh, and it's a great way for writers to encourage and support each other--check out the website or Alex's blog for more info!
This month I want to talk about motivation and reward. I'm on a deadline for book 3, which has provided plenty of motivation, believe me. But as I worked, I needed to find a way to measure my progress so I would know if I was on track, ahead of schedule (yeah, right!) or falling behind.
Basically, I took the number of words I had left to write, divided them by the number of days until my deadline, and voila! I had my daily word count. Simple, right? I know, I know--you're shaking your head right now, thinking
when is she going to get to something good?
I took it one step further. I made a spreadsheet that calculated the number of words I had to write based on my current day's progress. If I had an awesome day, word-wise, my minimum number of words for the next day decreased. If I didn't get far, the number went up. That was quite helpful when it came to planning my writing and figuring out how I was going to fit things in with the day job. Before, I was doing this by the seat of my pants--I knew if I had a busy day coming up, I'd have to write more on other days to make up for a loss in productivity. But having the actual numbers in front of me made it easier to see exactly how my project was coming along in the face of a looming deadline.
Finally, I wrote down my goals. Every day, I wrote down the targeted word count, followed by my actual word count. If I hit or exceeded my goal, I got a sticker for that day (thus rewarding my inner 5 year old. Because who doesn't love stickers?!). Here's a picture of what my January looked like:
.JPG) |
Yay for stickers! |
There are a few things I hope you notice about this picture. The first is that I have a lot of stickers. That's because I used them as motivation. On days when I was tired, when I couldn't think of the words, when I wanted to do anything but sit in front of the computer--those are the days I motivated myself by looking at the calendar and thinking "I got a sticker yesterday--I want to keep that streak going!" It's a small thing, but having that tangible reminder was powerful for me. So I forced myself to write, and you know what? The words came. And they weren't all crap. Yes, there will be edits, but at least now I have something to edit!
The other thing I hope you notice is that there are days when I don't have a sticker. But look closely: I still have a word count for those days (with one exception--we all have bad days!). Even though I didn't make my goal, I put words down on the page, and it got me a little closer to the end. Every little bit helps.
So, fellow writers, I encourage you to find your own motivation, and to reward yourself when you meet your goals, even if it is just a sticker on a page (I would have used chocolate, but I want to live long enough to write more stories!). I've told you what works for me, but now I want to hear from you. If you have a tried and true strategy, please share it in the comments!