Wednesday, May 1, 2013

IWSG - May edition

Welcome to the May edition of the Insecure Writers Support Group! I missed April's post due to the A to Z blog challenge, but I'm back and I hope you guys will forgive my absence.

Today I want to talk about motivation.  What keeps you on track, writing-wise, when life gets in the way?  Do you have a daily goal in terms of word count?  Do you have a set schedule, a dedicated time to write every day?

As for me, I find that keeping a daily record of words written helps, because it makes me want to write even more the next day.  My schedule prevents me from writing much while at work, so I devote several hours every night to take care of my blogging and writing.

I love challenges like NaNoWriMo, be it the November full version, or the summer camps.  I signed up for the April camp, and challenged myself to write 20,000 words.  Although I am about 2,000 words short of my goal, I did manage to finish the manuscript I was working on, so I consider it a win.  I love the social aspect of the challenge, and the way my progress is mapped out every day.  There's something about feeling like part of a group that makes writing more fun and keeps me on track--after all, I don't want to be the slacker in my Cabin!

What about you?  How do you keep going when you're tired, or when the words just don't flow?


  1. Yay for finding things that motivate you - it's so important. For me, I just take a break until inspiration strikes! Boom! lol

  2. I can't believe you did that many words on top of the A-Z challenge. You're amazing!

    1. Amazing? No, but that's kind of you to say. Sleep-deprived? Yes. :)

  3. Hi Lara, nice to meet you. :) Ooh, you are one brave, committed soul. As Lexa stated above, I too wait until I get inspired. Otherwise, I sit and moan about, "oh, why can't I write?" LOL

    Way to go, girl. Glad it works for you. :)

  4. Congratulations on finishing the MS! Sounds like you have a great plan to keep yourself focused and maintain momentum.

    I ususally jot notes in the daybook I keep on my desk--I record everything I do, from domestic duties to writing; when life gets chaotic (as it frequently does with so many people going different directions and me playing traffic cop (and taxi driver)) it's nice to "see" what I've done in a day (other than flap my arms and bark orders *g*).

    Take care!

    1. Hi Deb! Sounds like keeping track is key for you, too. It's so easy to under- or overestimate what you've done in a day, it's nice to have a record!

  5. I have found that my greatest motivation to write is having someone that reads, be it the blog or my work in progress. If I know someone is interested, then I'll have the motivation needed to keep writing.

    1. So true! Knowing that even one person is reading makes it easier to keep going :)

  6. I am about to publish my third book and getting this close, I am tired and ready to be done, but when that book proof arrives and I see all my hard work has turned into an honest-to-goodness book, I do the happy dance. And getting to that happy dance is what keeps me motivated on days like today (when I really, really just want to crash on the couch and watch three seasons of Veronica Mars before I have to do anything else... possibly with some yummy food handy). :)

    1. Keep you eye on the prize! Good luck with your third book! :)

  7. I think stubborness keeps me going when I'm tired (and scheduling time to write, rather than waiting for the inspiration).

    Lynda R Young
    IWSG co-host

    1. Hi Lynda! Sheer stubbornness doesn't get enough credit :)

  8. I spent the day with my husband, we went to Lowes, my favorite place, got some gardening done, and had dinner together. While I enjoyed the day, all I could think was how much work I have waiting. I love a distraction, and today I really needed one, but I feel so guilty when I'm not writing! Otherwise, it's the most important part of my day!

    Good for you on all your accomplishments!

    1. I hear you, Yolanda! When I'm not writing, I feel guilty about it. Writing has definitely gone from a hobby to a way of life! :)

      Glad you had a nice day--breaks are good for the soul!

  9. Yesterday (and today, unfortunately) is a great example. I have a migraine. You can imagine how bad it is given that this is the second full day I've had it. Days like today functioning at all is a big order, being creative is something entirely else.

    What I focus on is just the writing- good, bad or ugly I release all expectations for what it's going to be and just write. And if it's horrible, it's horrible. If it's great (unlikely), it's great. All that matters is that I wrote it. No matter how terrible it may be, it's a success simply because it exists.

    1. Hope you feel better soon! Migraines are just exhausting.

      I agree--writing is all that matters. We're going to have off days, but if we keep going, we'll get better.

  10. I keep a daily tally, too, Lara. And you're so right, it helps to inspire me. Even if it's only a few extra words. As of today I'm less than 500 words from 70K! Yay!


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