Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Insecure Writers' Support Group - December edition

It's time for another edition of IWSG posts!  For a full list of participating blogs, be sure to check out Alex Cavanaugh's blog.

Can you believe it's already December?  I thought for this month's post, I'd take stock of my year in writing and tally up where I made progress and where I fell short.

Good things:
--I finished Edge of Trust.
--I submitted Edge of Trust, and the editor requested some revisions, which I am currently working on <yay!>

Needs improvement:
--I started 2 books and made progress, but I really wanted to have a second book in the can by the end of the year.  That's not going to happen.
--I participated in NaNo (twice, if you count Camp NaNo during the summer), and failed to win.

I think the biggest lesson for me is that I need to work on my daily writing progress.  I can't just plan to write for large chunks of time on the weekends, because that doesn't always work out.  I need to do a better job of taking advantage of the odd 30 minutes that pop up every now and then.

I also need to learn to ignore my internal editor.  I think that's my biggest roadblock to using the aforementioned spare blocks of time I have--I start writing, and wind up deleting because the words 'aren't good enough.'  Really though, any words are better than no words, am I right?

There are still a few weeks left in the year, and I'm coming up on my winter break at work.  I hope to take advantage of the time off and finish up the revisions for Edge of Trust and make additional progress on Edge of Danger and Edge of Truth.  The holidays are already a crazy time of year, but I think I can do it!

Good luck to everyone on meeting your writing goals during the holiday season!


  1. I definitively understand what you are talking about. I used to stop myself every few pages, unable to move forward until I felt I had done it absolutely perfect. And I never moved forward. Now, however, I've gotten used to not pay attention to my writing. I just write and write, so many ideas assaulting my mind, I know if my fingers don't move fast enough I'll lose them.

    Don't think about it, just write. There will be a time to go back and make it pretty.

    Good luck and have a great season!

  2. I have been working on getting an hour a day. It seems more important, for my writing process, to visit the book every day, because the it stays in my head and is easier to rejoin when I can. Good luck!

    1. You're right--there's less lag time at the beginning if I've been writing regularly.

  3. Sounds like you're doing great! Oh yes, I need to turn internal editor off. On the other hand, all my stories are at revision-needed stage at the moment...


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