Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group - September edition

Today I want to talk about something that affects us all--finding time to write.  With an ever-increasing number of things to do and demands on our time, how do you make time to write?

I know some people like to get up early and write before the hectic pace of the day starts.  I am the exact opposite of a morning person, so that's not going to work for me.

I try to write in snippets during the day--a few words here, a few words there.  I really like the weekends when I get a few hours of uninterrupted time to focus on my writing.  I need to do a better job about protecting that time, so I don't let it slip through my fingers.

What about you?  What's your strategy for ensuring you get to write?

Be sure to stop by Alex's blog to find the other writers posting this month!


  1. Well, I am an early bird, so I can and do write early. My day job is such that I can usually squeeze out some time two or three days a week at least. But the best time for me is early on weekends before my family wakes up. It's so peaceful and relaxing since I don't have to go to work. I try to write in the early evenings too when I can, but by 8:30/9ish I'm getting sleepy.

    1. Hi Jen,

      Yeah, I find weekends are my prime time too. I suspect that's true for most of us :)

  2. I'm certainly not the early bird either, but since I still have to wake up to take my kids to school, I'm trying to get up an hour earlier so I can finish my homely chores, get on the treadmill for 30 min (I desperately need to loose weight) and be able to hit the computer around 11am. Writing in snippets doesn't really work for me 'cause I need a couple of hours to get into my groove... so let's hope I can accomplish my goal. If only my bed weren't so cozy...

    1. Hi Gina,

      Wow, exercising in the morning? I tip my hat to you! Bed is way too inviting, particularly if I'm choosing between sleep and exercising.

  3. Finding time to write is a challenge for me. Like you, Lara, I'm not an early morning person. My most productive time of day is from 10:00 to 2:00. I try to dive into my WIP during this window, but sometimes life gets in the way. When this happens, I tell myself there's always tomorrow (at least I'm 90 percent certain, who really knows) and I endeavor to make up the lost time.

    I think it's great that you plug away at your WIP whenever the opportunity presents itself. Some people would give up on their project when they run into an obstacle. Keep at it, and best of luck on your novel.

    1. Thanks Andrea! Best of luck to you as well! :)


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