Friday, October 4, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - Hockey edition

Happy Friday, everyone!  Have you signed up for this hop yet?  It's a great way to express your gratitude for the little things that happen on a daily basis, and really, isn't that what happiness is all about?

This week, I'm celebrating the fact that hockey season has started!  Even though my teams lost their season openers, I have faith that they will do well this season, and I'm looking forward to watching as many games as I can.

Any other hockey fans out there?  What's your team?

What are you celebrating this week?


  1. Flyers! I love hockey! Good luck to yours this season!
    Diana at Diana Wilder – About Myself, by Myself

    1. Yay--always fun to find another hockey fan! :)

  2. One of my recurrent nightmares is that I somehow lose all my teeth (in all sort of accidents), playing hockey is the #1 reason and I'm freaked out lol. I know its silly and I did enjoy playing hockey in HS (no ice- so fake hockey) but I cringe a little bit when I see it. I'm sad, I know. BUT you enjoy it!!!! lol

    1. I wonder what Freud would have to say about your recurrent dream... LOL :)

  3. Can you believe I have never watched a hockey game in my life unless you count the few seconds glimpsed will flipping through channels?

    What I'm grateful for this week. Bob Mayer's book Write it forward because it has helped me make a few decisions I've been putting off and helped me do so with peace on confidence.

    1. Happy to hear that, Regina! I'm going to have to check that book out--sounds good! :)

  4. Today, I'm grateful for being able to take some days off work for a much awaited vacation. And grateful too for the people who made that possible!

  5. Today I celebrated with a celebration breakfast with hubby for the release of my second book! He makes it all worth while!

    I'm glad you enjoy hockey - to be honest I've never gotten into the sport, but hubby loves it!

    1. Congrats on your release--that's definitely worth celebrating! :)

  6. YAY it's good to have sports you enjoy to watch !

  7. We used to have a team here in San Diego -- the Gulls -- but I don't know what happened to them...

  8. Your closest bet now is probably the Kings or the Ducks...

  9. Yoy for your team! I myself know absolutely nothing about hockey but i'm happy for everyone who gets so much joy out of watching.

    1. Thanks, Bev! You know, I'd be happy to explain the basics to you sometime--I'm always happy to bring another fan into the fold... ;)


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